In the suggestive location of the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, it was held the ceremony for the delivery of the Stelle al merito del Lavoro for the year 2019. Among the 84 Tuscans who received this honor, some ROSSS employees are included, as happened in 2018. This year the employees are three: Antonio Bonanno, Alessandro Pacini, Annalisa Pieri.
The recognition conferred by the President of the Republic on employees who distinguished themselves for merits of good moral conduct, expertise and hard work, were handed over by the Prefect Laura Lega.
Many personalities took part in the ceremony: the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, the President of the Regional Council Eugenio Giani, the Director of the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, Antonio Zoina, the Regional Consul of the Masters of Labor Federation, Massimo Tucci, the President of the Tuscan Knights of Labor Group, Piero Neri, the Regional President of the National Association of Elderly Workers Fiorenza Ciullini.
Congratulations to the new Masters of Labor!