Libraries and archives

Industrial shelving to support culture

Order and organisation are crucial aspects for the correct conservation of books and documents in places designed for culture. Whether it’s libraries, archives or museums, choosing solutions that can guarantee more archiving and storage capacity is essential.

For this reason, relying on an expert partner like ROSSS can be the perfect solution for your business to create spaces where papers are clearly visible and ready to be easily consulted.

At ROSSS, we have a long-standing experience in designing and installing solutions for storage in libraries and archives.

Solutions to give a future to the story of your past

As everything is moving towards an ever more digital world, the need to preserve paper materials, new and existing, in order and safe, is still incredibly relevant. Every activity that requires the organisation of folders, books, paintings, big or small boxes and containers, needs a practical and efficient archival system.

This is why we often design storage systems that use multi-solution combinations, as to answer to the different needs of our customers.

Why should you invest in a storage system for libraries and archives?

Equipping yourself with a warehouse perfectly in order and organised means allowing a quicker and more accessible consultation of the materials stored.

The benefits of a ROSSS storage system allow you to:

  • Sort your inventory using all your vertical space, therefore doubling storage room. In this way, you’ll be able to organise and access easily the different products and find the one you need.
  • Guarantee the conditions for the correct conservation of information materials, restricting the exposition to light and dust and protecting the materials from sollicitations and vibrations.
  • Count on a high modularity capacity and elements personalisation, so as to optimise the storage environment and dedicate a substantial space to study, reading and consultation activities.